Mar 23, 2008

What A Weekend!

We had a BUSY but awesome weekend! Friday night we had our first performance of "The Gospel." I had butterflies in my stomach standing outside in the dark hallway waiting to go in and begin. Jason has been working on this program for a year now, and the choir, cast, and crew had really put so much time and hard work into it. Everything went great! Jason's parents came to the Friday night performance and then brought us breakfast on Saturday morning and visited for a while. Camryn loved having Grandma and Grandpa there and kept them hopping with everything she wanted them to see and do! She loves having so much attention! Not long after they left, we had an abbreviated naptime and then went back to church for the 3 pm and 6 pm performances. We had over 800 people come to the three performances, and I was especially pleased that three ladies I work with traveled to Anderson to see the program. It was really important to me that two of them were there to see and hear the gospel story, and I was touched that they made the effort to come! After cleaning up the set and helping put the sanctuary back in order for Sunday morning, we all came home and crashed.

Easter morning, we dressed up for church, and Camryn was so excited to tell everyone about the new shoes Mommy bought her. She has a thing for shoes - every time she "goes shopping" at home, it's always for shoes. And, if I ever try to try clothes on her, she hates it. But, if we ever need to try on shoes, she's all for it. Anyway, I thought she looked like a little doll. We came home and saw what the Easter bunny brought her - hairbows, a book, Play-Doh, stickers, and cookies - and then had the rest of the day to relax and spend time together. What an awesome weekend!


Anonymous said...

Glad that everything went so well for your church. Cam is really losing her "baby face"! She looks like a big girl now---

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that dress! It's so cute on her - and she looks like such a big girl. I know that we've seen her recently, but her hair looks SO LONG!