Oct 12, 2008

The SC State Fair

On Friday, we took a Burley family trip to the fair. How fun! We were so excited to take Camryn for her first trip! We were also excited to get a Pronto Pup, Fiske Fries, and an elephant ear -yum! Camryn had a great time seeing all of the animals and especially enjoyed her first ride on the carousel. She giggled the whole time and then told everyone she rode the roller coaster ... maybe next year!


Anonymous said...

SO WE LOVE THE One of Burley as the mean cop! CHIPS! hehe and the one of the 2 of you on the carousel..SAME FACES! She is your twin! So sweet! Miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

We had such a great time! Thanks for posting the pictures!
The whole weekend was full of fun!

Anonymous said...

Emily Said...
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun...I miss going to the fair! I mean funnel cakes and vinegar fries...Yum-o!!! I Love you!!!

Amber said...

awwww looks like you had so much fun! Love and miss you all!

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of her sleeping. so sweet.

The McConnell Clan said...

Great pics!! Cam's hair is getting so long! It looks like yall had a great time, dont you just love fall!!! Tell Jason he scares me in that cop picture!